Comhairle na nÓg
Comhairle na nÓg are local youth councils operating in each of the 31 local authority areas. Comhairle na nÓg gives young people the opportunity to have a voice in the development of local services, on policies and on issues that affect them. Comhairle na nOg is the recognised national structure for participation by young people (aged 12-17 years) in decision making. Comhairle na nÓg is funded and managed through the Department of Children, Disability, Equality, Integration and Youth. Their main objectives are for young people to identify topics important to them and to influence local decision-makers. They also act as a Youth Forum for adult decision-makers to consult with in relation to policy development and to receive feedback on local services.
A member of Longford County Council chairs Longford Comhairle na nOg Steering Committee who meets quarterly to support the work of the Comhairle na nOg. Comhairle na nOg members organise an AGM at which Comhairle members are elected from the nine post primary schools and youth groups throughout the county. Due to the COVID restrictions this year’s AGM was held on Friday 13th of November through Zoom. Following the outcomes of this meeting members will devise an annual work plan and identify key actions/issues they would like to address and influence policy on. The workplan will include preparations for the National Showcase event and for the Dail na nÓg (the National Youth Parliament)