Animal Control & Veterinary Services
Longford County Council employ one full time Veterinary Officer with responsibility for:
- Inspection and supervision of Domestic Abbatoirs
- Inspection of small slaughterhouses and meat production units
- Input into the areas of Dog Control, Horse control.
- Acts in an advisory capacity to the Planning and Environment functions of the Council.
Read more on Longford Animal Control & Veterinary Services.
Save a Dog
Stray dogs are brought to Longford County Pound by the dog warden. The pound also accepts unwanted dogs from members of the public. Stray dogs must be kept in the pound for a minimum of 5 days. After this time, they can be re-homed or put to sleep. Some dogs are not suitable for re-homing due to their temperament, or disease etc however It is our policy to try to re-home as many suitable dogs as possible. Save a dog from Longford Dog Control Services.